Welcome to the Hartford Fire Department’s web page. Our department consists of a full-time Fire Chief, part-time Assistant Chief and a dedicated group of men and women that serve our community.

We currently have a roster of 16 members and 2 cadet students. Our department services 35 square miles of the City of Hartford & Hartford Township including about a 6 mile stretch of Interstate 94, as well as a portion of Bangor Township.

Our department has strong relationships with our neighboring communities with Automatic Aid agreements in place with Lawrence, Watervliet, and Keeler Fire Departments. The Hartford Fire Department answers about 700 calls per year.

Calls range from fires, automobile accidents, smoke and odor investigations, carbon monoxide alarms and false alarms. The majority of calls are EMS related. We run a Medical First Response service working closely with our EMS Provider, Pride Care Ambulance Service.

On behalf of the members of the department, thank you for visiting our web page.


We'll have local news and events here as they become available.